Not everyone can lead worship.
I've tried to lead a progressive, activist government.
We do not know enough about how the present will lead into the future.
I lead an introverted and boring life here in California.
I lead a very conventional life.
It is time for a leader who will lead.
Trust leads to approachability and open communications.
Where music leads, I follow.
Lead by inspiration, not intimidation.
Lead the audience by the nose to the thought.
The great thieves lead away the little thief.
Long-term boredom can't lead to anything good.
I lead a very boring, normal life.
Life is always better with God on the lead.
Strong female leads are important.
Verbosity leads to unclear, inarticulate things.
In cinema, the leading player is the director.
When you're not the lead, you don't have as many restrictions.
The roughest road often leads to the top.
Secure property in hand leads to peace in mind.
I've been pretty lucky in the leading men department.