All my favorite movies are somebody else's least favorite movie.
I aspire to eventually be making my living by making movies.
I didn't like some of the movies that were coming into me.
I like all of John Carpenter's movies. 'The Thing' is my favorite.
I'm not unashamed to say that I like movies that make me verklempt.
My two favorite movies are 'Coming to America' and 'Boomerang'.
Movies can't ruin books. They can only ruin movies.
Hollywood movies are seen throughout the world.
I've made some bad movies. And I really enjoyed it!
What always leads me in terms of my movies are characters.
The movies and the parts I'm being offered are becoming better and better.
Violence is the first refuge of the violent.
You can disguise any set with lights and shadows.
There's always a certain amount of camera improvisation.
The bigger confrontation is the one an individual has with itself.
I have a perfect cure for a sore throat: cut it.
Nothing's impossible. The word itself says ' I'm Possible!
Love those wrongdoers, they need it more than you.
Psychoanalysts and elephants, they never forget.
I seem to be drawn to things that actually happen.
It's always the story that interests me.