Don't be late. Learn your lines. Be good to people. Treat people nice.
Good directing is about getting the performance to be just what's right for the movie.
Running through airports with pounds of luggage - that's a good workout.
The stunts on the ground I can do, but I've never been good with heights.
Good FBI officers are not noticeable. You would never look at them.
I do a pretty good job at casting actually.
Dreaming big is always a good way to go about things.
Then I realized that to be really good at this requires a lot of energy and concentration and skill.
I'm not trying to be as good or better than anybody; that's not how I work.
Too many girls follow the line of least resistance but a good line is hard to resist.
Why would people spend good money to have my pants?
To do something for other people when they need it most just feels good.
I've run my mouth pretty good about my beliefs.
I've got a little fight in me, but I think that's good.
Barack Obama makes me feel good to be a black man.
I like working with my hands. It feels good to build something yourself.
My agent said, 'You aren't good enough for movies.' I said, 'You're fired.'
Ultimately, I want to have a good career and do interesting work.
Yoga always made me feel really good about myself.
I watch a lot of TV, and I'd like to think what I watch is good TV.
I think any good actor is an anarchist. They have to be.