Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.
Why should poetry have to make sense?
With me poetry has not been a purpose, but a passion.
The novel is born of disillusionment; the poem, of despair.
Poetry is man's rebellion against being what he is.
A poem is never finished, only abandoned.
I credit poetry for making this space-walk possible.
Poetry is what we do to break bread with the dead.
Genuine poetry can communicate before it is understood.
Poetry is like a bird, it ignores all frontiers.
Mozart is my first strength.
E-mail is a victim of its own success.
It's the teacher that makes the difference, not the classroom.
Tradition is a guide and not a jailer.
'Cerebus' is my attempt at a literary work.
Is everyone with one face called a Milo?" "Oh no," Milo replied; "some are called Henry or George or Robert or John or lots of other things." "How terribly confusing," he cried. "Everything here is called exactly what it is. The triangles are called ...
Age is a convenient barometer of what a person is capable of, but it is only one.
Since the age of 6, I've always wanted to go to space.
The world other than as advertised can be an amazing place.
It's amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy.
Art is doing. Art deals directly with life.