There is a side of the Moon which we never see, but that hidden half is as potent a factor in causing the ebb and flow of the Earth's tide as the part of the Moon which is visible.
If any human being is to reach full maturity both the masculine and feminine sides of the personality must be brought up into consciousness.
Be Like Lightning Which Has The Power To Animate Or Destroy Life.... It's Up To You Which Side You Wanna Take....
The miners lost because they had only the constitution. The other side had bayonets. In the end, bayonets always win.
When I'm really purring it, I feel as if my whole left side - from knee to hip to shoulder - is turning behind me as I swing through the ball.
My grandfather, on my father's side, helped to draft one of the first constitutions of China. He was a fairly well-known scholar.
They say laughter is the best medicine, and I agree. Plus, it’s free, has no bad side effects and is available to EVERYONE.
I'm tired of seeing listings of programs I want to watch that aren't closed captioned. And I'm tired of looking for the symbol on the side of the video package.
The last thing I would want to do is to create the impression that sectarianism came from only one side of the community.
Those who say life is knocking them down and giving them a tough time are usually the first to beat themselves up. Be on your own side.
'West Side Story' was one of the high points of my career. Yet, when I first saw it, I was really disappointed in how I came off.
YOU are the big drop of dew under the lotus leaf, I am the smaller one on its upper side,' said the dewdrop to the lake.
In the process of looking for comedy, you have to be deeply honest. And in doing that, you'll find out here's the other side. You'll be looking under the rock occasionally for the laughter.
I go from being hugely hopeful and entertaining to... really not. I'm not manic depressive, but I can really go to the darker side.
As an adopted person, once you find out about that 'other' side of yourself, it's almost like you find out who you really are.
And if you have high cholesterol, you would feel the same as if you had low cholesterol because there are no side effects, no symptoms of having high cholesterol.
The reason is that in a group, individual errors on either side of the true figure cancel each other out.
I had started off, before I ever got an acting job, working at Robert De Niro's Tribeca Productions as a reader. I was always interested in that side of the camera.
Everybody that I meet inspires me. You can learn so much from any person that you meet any day on the side of the street.
Cutting one side of your head for a few months is not a big deal compared with what other people have to deal with in the world. Plus, hair grows back.
I got the sense that Alabama is a place where people don't want handouts and don't much care for people talking out of the side of their mouth.