Is almost a good enough reason for fear ?
Betrayal isn't ridiculous. It's the reason empires fall.
There is a sort of mental treason That smothers dreams outside of reason
There is never a reason good enough to be out of alignment with peace.
There comes a time for everybody when words and reasons can become such a great weariness.
Maybe fire and kerosene don't go together for a reason.
Our population of 121 crore is not a limitation – it is the reason we will grow.
How quick come the reasons for approving what we like.
Wake-up! Think for yourself, be yourself and return to what is real.
Lay down your cynicism, and believe in the transformational power of love.
Cooperation is a higher moral principle than competition.
The truth is now as it was yesterday, and as it always will be, that the world is-as we are.
Every person has something meaningful to say in the conversation of life.
Change represents the real spirit of democracy and the real America.
Begin to see the violence around you; begin to see the violence within you.
Wish for the happiness of your enemies, for if they are happy, they are your enemy no more.
Free your mind and free yourself from brand slavery.
Be kind to one another and seek beauty in all you do.
You can know something is a lie when it has no love in it.
As free as you allow others to be, such freedom you create for yourself.
The system has already anticipated the freedom seeking mechanism in humans.