It doesn't feel good when you're put down, and especially for no uncertain reason.
The way to see by Faith is to shut the Eye of Reason.
Faith is not a sense, nor sight, nor reason, but taking God at His work.
I like funny guys and those, for some reason, tend to be nerdy guys.
I know one of the reasons God gave me kids was to test my patience.
There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness.
Everything happens for a reason, but not everything needs to be explained
A noble heart will always capitulate to reason.
I tried being reasonable, I didn't like it.
The only reason for using another cut is to improve the scene.
All of our reasoning ends in surrender to feeling.
Earnestness is enthusiasm tempered by reason.
Reasoning is the mental tool that use to think with
Fraud is the homage that force pays to reason.
I detest that saying 'Everything happens for a reason'; it's nonsense.
Cricket was my reason for living.
There are plenty of reasons not to put up with the world as it is.
The rules of morality are not the conclusion of our reason.
Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions.
There is a reason the world always looks to America.
I don't believe in killing whatever the reason!