Rusty: Tell me this is not about her, or I am walking. I am walking off this job right now. Danny: Who? Rusty: Tess. Terry Benedict. Tell me this is not about screwing the guy who's screwing your wife. Danny: Ex-wife. Rusty: Tell me. Danny: It's not ...
Fezzik: You never said anything about killing anyone. Vizzini: I've hired you to help me start a war. It's an prestigious line of work, with a long and glorious tradition. Fezzik: I just don't think it's right, killing an innocent girl. Vizzini: Am I...
Pumpkin: The way it is now, you're taking the same risk as when you rob a bank. You take more of a risk, banks are easier. You don't even need a gun in a federal bank. I mean, they're insured, why should they give a fuck? I heard of this one guy, wal...
Pintel: [Pintel and Ragetti burst into the room] We know you're here, Poppet. Ragetti: Poppet. Pintel: Come out... and we promise we won't hurt you. Ragetti: Eh? Pintel: [smiles at Ragetti] We will find you, Poppet. You've got something of ours, and ...
Joe: So, you guys like to tell jokes, huh? Gigglin' and laughin' like a bunch of young broads sittin' in a schoolyard. Well, let me tell a joke. Five guys, sittin' in a bullpen, in San Quentin. All wondering how the fuck they got there. What should w...
Sefton: Okay, Herr Preisshoffer, let's have the mailbox. Price: The what? Sefton: The one you took out of the corner of your bunk and put in this pocket! [pulls a black queen out of Price's jacket] Sefton: Let me show you how they did it. They did it...
Dr. Alice Howland: Hi, Alice. I'm you. And I have something very important to say to you. Huh... I guess you've reached that point when you can answer any of your questions. So this is the next logical step. I'm sure of it. Because what's happening t...
Charles Bushman: Now... On the third day, I washed her. She wasn't too clean. I got all the right spots. She's the only one I kept for a certain amount of time, because I got a real short attention span. Now, I can't say she enjoyed her stay, but tha...
Princess Fiona: [after Shrek and Donkey rescue her] The battle is won. You may remove your helmet, good Sir Knight. Shrek: Uh, no... Princess Fiona: Why not? Shrek: I... have helmet hair. Princess Fiona: Please. I would'st look upon the face of my re...
Mickey: The deal was you bought it like you saw it. Hey, look, I've helped you as much as I'm going to help you. See that car? Just use it for you're not welcome anymore. You should fuck off now while you still got the legs to carry you. Gorgeous Geo...
Sean Parker: And that's where you're headed, a billion dollar valuation. Unless you take bad advice, in which case you may as well have come up with a chain of very successful yogurt shops. When you go fishing you can catch a lot of fish, or you can ...
Boggs: Now, I'm gonna open my fly and you're gonna swallow what I give ya to swallow. And after you swallow mine you're gonna swallow Rooster's cause ya done broke his nose and I think he oughta have something to show for it. Andy Dufresne: Anything ...
[Spock Prime and Kirk arrive at a derelict Starfleet outpost, and discover... ] Scotty: You realize how unacceptable this is? Spock Prime: Fascinating! Scotty: Okay, I'm sure you're just doing your job, but could you not have come a wee bit sooner? S...
General: Now each battalion has a specific code-name and mission. Battalion 5, raise your hands! [all the African American members put up their hands including Chef] General: You will be the all important first defense wave, which we will call "Opera...
Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Ooh, but I still smell her. [inhales deeply through nose] Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Women! What can you say? Who made 'em? God must have been a fuckin' genius. The hair... They say the hair is everything, you know. Have you ever bur...
T-1000: Are you the legal guardian of John Connor? Todd Voight: That's right, Officer. What's he done now? T-1000: Could I speak with him please? Janelle Voight: You could if he were here. He just took off on his bike. So, he could be anywhere. T-100...
First Sgt. Edward Welsh: Hey Witt, who you making trouble for today? Private Witt: What do you mean? First Sgt. Edward Welsh: Well, isn't that what you like to do? Turn left when they say go right. Why are you such a trouble maker Witt? Private Witt:...
Rapunzel: [after leaving her tower; happily] I can't believe I did this! [worried] Rapunzel: I can't believe I did this. [excitedly squealing] Rapunzel: I CAN'T BELIEVE I DID THIS! [nervous laughter] Rapunzel: ... Mother would be so furious. [later, ...
Flynn Rider: Let me just get this straight, I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home, and you'll give me back my satchel? Rapunzel: I promise. [Flynn looks Rapunzel suspiciously] Rapunzel: And when I promise something, I never ever break t...
Begbie: Picture the scene: The other fuckin' week there, down the fuckin' Volley with Tommy, playing pool. I'm playing like Paul-Fuckin'-Newman by the way. Givin' the boy here the tannin' of a lifetime. So it comes to the, down to the last shot, the ...
[after seeing Coughlin die, Doug - still wearing his BPD uniform - hops into one BPD cruiser parked nearby with its engine running. He closes the door and drives off. He parks in front of Fergie's shop, and enters, caught by a surveillance camera] Do...