Alan Turing: Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
Jack Crabb: Custer was right. I was a total failure as an Indian.
Nick: Fuck. Shit. Jesus. Mr. Goodkat: 'Fuck, Shit, Jesus' is right.
Herb Brooks: We start becoming a team right now!
Johnny Boy: I fuck you right where you breathe.
Tank: Door on your left. [Neo goes right] Tank: Your other left.
Yubaba: Oh, my baby! Are you all right? Are you emotionally tramautized?
Bruno: I have the perfect weapon right here: these two hands.
Kip: I'm the one who's NOT grinding on you right now.
Rowan Morrison: Did I do it right? Lord Summerisle: You did it beautifully!
The public's got it right, a lot of NBA stars are arrogant and like to spend lots of money and have lots of girlfriends and all that.
The moment somebody is making money off the recipes, that's when you'll see digital rights management around it.
If the money's right, I'm happy to bust up the other side of his face... No problem.
I'm an actor - it's not brain surgery. If I do my job right, people won't ask for their money back.
No writer has a right to make that much money. Indeed, without diabolical assistance, no writer can.
Nations, like individuals in a state of nature, are equal and independent, possessing certain rights and owing certain duties to each other.
Of course 'Hamlet' is a debate about the nature and morality of revenge and whether it is right to do something to assuage your angry feelings.
I have been, and will remain, outspoken in my insistence that Israel has a right to live in peace and security.
For me, embracing my own power is about embracing my right to be an individual.
I basically run on two hamstrings on my right leg and three on the other. I'm losing a third of the power.
The term 'globalisation' is conventionally used to refer to the specific form of investor-rights integration designed by wealth and power, for their own interests.