backing down can become a way of life
You can't magic yourself back 10 years.
If I hadn't fought back, I might have been Gidget forever.
I never look back, I look forward.
Reality Sucks, I want my dreams back.
I have a temper on me that could hold back tides.
I used to comb my hair back and do stupid stuff.
If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?
Going back to legalistic roots contaminates the blood of Jesus.
The sexiest part of a woman's body is the back of her kneecaps.
We don't ever want IT to be the thing that holds GM back.
Bring back Sally Jesse Rafael! That's all I'm asking.
Morality never scratch the back of corruption
My mother always wanted to give back.
I've learned to let things roll off my back.
whatever gone,not coming back any more.
As players, we always have a way to get back at you.
It's not bragging if you can back it up.
I watched R.E.M. connect with the back row of a 50,000-seat venue.
Leftism in all its forms must be halted and turned back resoundingly.
I wouldn't go back and be 25 again for all the tea in China.