Ham Porter: *play ball!* Hurry up, batter. This better be a short game, I gotta get home for lunch. [Pitcher pitches and the batter fails to even swing] Ham Porter: Haha, that's one. [cuts to new pitch] Ham Porter: [to the batter] You know, if my dog...
Sweeney Todd: Noooooo! Would no one have mercy on her? Mrs. Lovett: So it's you. Benjamin Barker Sweeney Todd: Where's Lucy? Where's my wife? Mrs. Lovett: She poisoned herself, arsenic from the apothecary round the corner, I tried to stop her, but sh...
Henry Gatewood: [clutching valise with embezzled funds] I can't get over the impertinence of that young lieutenant. I'll make it warm for that shake-tail! I'll report him to Washington - we pay taxes to the government and what do we get? Not even pro...
Guard: Dunstan Thorn, not again! Tristan: It's Tristan, actually. Guard: Oh. You do look a bit like your father. And I suppose you intend to cross the wall as well, do you? Well you can forget it - go home! Tristan: Cross the wall as well as who? Gua...
Olive: Dear diary, I'm afraid I'm gravely ill. It is perhaps times like these that one reflects on things past. An article of clothing from when I was young. A green jacket. I walk with my father. A game we once played. Pretend we're faeries. I'm a g...
Flynn Rider: Let me just get this straight, I take you to see the lanterns, bring you back home, and you'll give me back my satchel? Rapunzel: I promise. [Flynn looks Rapunzel suspiciously] Rapunzel: And when I promise something, I never ever break t...
Bolivar Trask: How old is your son now, Major? Maj. Bill Stryker: Jason? He's coming up on ten now, if you can believe it. Bolivar Trask: Eight years from fighting age. And how many of our sons and brothers did we just ship home in body bags? Maybe f...
Batman: [perched on the railing of a stairway behind Gordon's home] Storm's coming. Jim Gordon: [closing the door to his kitchen where his wife and son are] The scum is getting jumpy because you stood up to Falcone. Batman: It's a start. Your partner...
Biff Tannen: And where's my reports? George McFly: Well, I haven't finished those up yet, but you know, I... I figured since they weren't due till... Biff Tannen: Hello? Hello? Anybody home? Huh? Think, McFly. Think! I gotta have time to get them ret...
Colonel Nicholson: [looks at the completed bridge] I've been thinking. Tomorrow it will be 28 years to the day that I've been in the service. 28 years in peace and war. I don't suppose I've been at home more than 10 months in all that time. Still, it...
Teacher Kitano: Are my classes boring? Noriko Nakagawa: Yes. Teacher Kitano: How dare you! Noriko Nakagawa: [chuckles] Teacher Kitano: I go into class, you guys look like a pile of potatoes. Slapping them around helped me tell them apart, even got to...
Vivian: Speaking of horses, I like to play them myself. But I like to see them workout a little first, see if they're front runners or comefrom behind, find out what their whole card is, what makes them run. Marlowe: Find out mine? Vivian: I think so...
Boys are found everywhere- on top of, underneath, inside of, climbing on, swinging from, running around or jumping to. Mothers love them, little girls hate them, older sisters and brothers tolerated them, adults ignore them and Heaven protects them. ...
A war changes people in a number of ways. It either shortcuts you to your very self; or it triggers such variations that you might as well have been a larva, pupating in dampness, darkness and tightly wrapped puttees. Then, providing you don't take f...
Two women were walking down the street in opposite directions, but approaching each other. One was distraught and crying. The other was calm and compassionate. As they passed each other the calm lady said to the distraught lady, “That is a beautifu...
Greed is a strange, strange sin. All you want to do is acquire. Acquire money, acquire material, acquire time, acquire energy, acquire attention. The running mantra is “I want, I want, I want” but that quickly turns to “I need, I need, I need.�...
Among these temperamentally unhappy campers are "reactant" personalities, who focus on what they often wrongly perceive as others' attempts to control them. In one experiment, some of these touchy individuals were asked to think of two people they kn...
Every telecomm company is as big a corporate welfare bum as you could ask for. Try to imagine what it would cost at market rates to go around to every house in every town in every country and pay for the right to block traffic and dig up roads and er...
When I was fifteen, a companion and I, on a dare, went into the mound one day just at sunset. We saw some of those Indians for the first time; we got directions from them and reached the top of the mound just as the sun set. We had camping equiptment...
Listen my hatchling, for now you shall hear Of the only seven slayers a dragon must fear. First beware Pride, lest belief in one’s might Has you discount the foeman who is braving your sight. Never Envy other dragons their wealth, power, or home Fo...
Electricity," Purva said, rolling the strange new word around in her mouth, giving it at once an Australian and a French inflection. "Sir William was playing around with it when we met, do you remember?" Jack said to Clare. "He was storing charges in...