You are richer for doing things.
In fifteen hundred years someone will figure out a way to squeeze black juice out of the yellow sand, and that will get everyone very excited. Some people who were rich already will get a lot richer, and some people who were poor will be told that th...
It’s hard not to empathize with the mayor’s anger, given the injustices he’d suffered, but righteous anger rarely leads to wise policy.
Being spontaneous is being able to respond with confidence; calmly trusting that, whatever the outcome, you will have a positive if challenging experience that will lead to greater self-awareness and success.
Intuition means exactly what it sounds like, in-tuition! An inner tutor or teaching and learning mechanism that takes us forward daily. It is a resource that, where recognized, has infinite potential.
Some places will, however, be left behind. Not every city will succeed, because not every city has been adept at adapting to the age of information, in which ideas are the ultimate creator of wealth.
Intuition is a sense of knowing how to act spontaneously, without needing to know why. The why question leads to indecision, anxiety, caution and self-limitation. There are all responses which originate in fear-based emotions.
Intuition can also mean an instant recognition of a truth, sensing that you are doing the right thing in making a choice or decision even if it is not the immediately obvious option or an experience of knowing the probable outcome just as it is begin...
It is important to recognise that you may have dismissed intuitive experiences as pure chance when they occured. Now is the time to open your thoughts to the probability that you are far more intuitive than you ever realised.
The closer we are to God, the richer we are
Over time, my students have gotten richer and more educated.
Intuition is an essential part of the whole experience of living. Although it will not help predict the future or how people will behave, using intuition as a guide makes life more rewarding. It helps you follow what seems to be the right path, even ...
Today I am even richer.
There's always somebody older, richer, more desperate than you.
Every day is deeper and richer and more soulful.
Most rich countries have reported increases in happiness as they become richer.
The forms of my awareness are richer than yours.
More people smile at me now I'm richer.
Women are not the richer sex. Women are not equal in society.
All the measures of the Government are directed to the purpose of making the rich richer and the poor poorer.
It's never been my purpose to become an American icon, or more famous or richer.