Nixon was so crooked that he needed servants to help him screw his pants on every morning.
Hunter S. ThompsonThe Nixon administration really put a lot of pressure on CBS not to run the second broadcast.
Ben BradleeEven before Watergate and his resignation, Nixon had inspired conflicting and passionate emotions.
Stephen AmbroseSurveillance changes history. We know this through examples of corrupt presidents like Nixon.
Mikko HypponenEven now there is no evidence that anyone involved in the Nixon operation was going to threaten us.
Bob WoodwardWe began to see the renovation of our offices as a subtle part of the Nixon war against the press.
Helen ThomasYou think the world was shocked when Nixon resigned? Wait till I whup George Foreman's behind.
Muhammad AliIn many ways when Jerry Ford pardoned Nixon, in a certain way, he did speak for the country.
Morley Safer