Not every happy person is rich, and, Not every rich person is happy.
A rich person is just a poor person with a crown and elaborate clothing, and a poor person is just a rich person with a crownless head and ragged clothing.
The only rich person is a person who is rich in spirit. I have no money deposit. I have only beauty deposit.
As the person who has health is young, so the person who owes nothing is rich.
I always was a rich person because money's not related to happiness.
Never promise a poor person, and never owe a rich one.
I never met a poor person who wanted to soak the rich; they want to get rich.
I have a very rich and wonderful personal life, and at its core are my sons.
On a personal level, we all get along fine.
Hard work may not make a person filthy rich, but it does not ditch for it keeps him always as rich as healthy.
In effect, the poor person is a rich person left to fend for him or herself, without the support of institutions that help the person to take 'good' decisions.
You can't have personal investors anymore because it's too expensive, so you have to have corporate investment or a lot of rich people.
The richest persons in Africa are heads of state, governors and ministers. So every 'educated' African who wants to be rich - and there is nothing wrong with wanting to be rich - heads straight into government or politics.
You don't seem to realize that a poor person who is unhappy is in a better position than a rich person who is unhappy. Because the poor person has hope. He thinks money would help.
Rich people show their appreciation through favors. When everyone you know has more money than they know what to do with, money stops being a useful transactional tool. So instead you offer favors. Deals. Quid pro quos. Things that involve personal i...
Think about it: Every educated person is not rich, but almost every education person has a job and a way out of poverty. So education is a fundamental solution to poverty.
A rich person who has no love in his heart is poorer than a poor person who has no money in his pocket.
Look for a sweet person. Forget rich.
If you cannot become rich, be the neighbor of a rich man.
I was close to John simply because I liked him as a person. He liked me as a person. We spent a lot of times at one another's houses back in Liverpool. We spent a lot of time together in Germany.
I personally think you can have a really rich and full life with no abs. Abs are for wimps.