Every man over 40 should have a PSA test each year.
Jason McDermott can be the most ingratiating young man: a born politician.
Every man is a genius, for God exists in all men.
what risk to a common man is an opportunity for a wise
The only competition worthy of a wise man is with himself.
Every man is crucified upon the cross of himself.
To be a man's own fool is bad enough, but the vain man is everybody's.
Remember that every man is a variation of yourself
Society has parted man from man, neglectful of the universal heart.
I live, like every real man, in my work.
All this worldly wisdom was once the unamiable heresy of some wise man.
It seems to me that someone must surely take the hint and write the life of Miss McGeeney, the woman who wrote the biography of the man who wrote the biography of the man who wrote the biography of the man who wrote the biography of Boswell.
And I thought about books. And for the first time I realized that a man was behind each one of the books. A man had to think them up. A man had to take a long time to put them down on paper. And I'd never even thought that thought before.
In this place a mind was at work to negate the image of a free and intact man. It intended to rely on man power in the same way that it had relied on horsepower. It wanted units to be equal and divisable, and for that purpose man had to be destroyed ...
The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die.
When I’m in the ocean, I swim alone, because I’m a shark-eating man. I’m also a man-eating man, though to be fair I thought that one surfer was a seal when I bit into him.
David - the man after God's own heart - was a man of war and a mighty man of valour. When all Israel were on the run, David faced Goliath - alone... with God - and he but a stripling, and well scolded, too, by his brother for having come to see the b...
Don't be afraid to lose him, because if a man truly loves you, he's not going anywhere
Do not believe that you alone can be right. The man who thinks that, The man who maintains that only he has the power To reason correctly, the gift to speak, the soul— A man like that, when you know him, turns out empty.
The worker picked up Pakhom’s spade, dug a grave, and buried him - six feet from head to heel, exactly the amount of land a man needs.
Behind every successful man is a woman but few of us realize that behind most successful women is a man too; her father.