Do you want to retire early rich or retire late poor? Cosmic Ordering answers the first question!
The mass of the rich and the poor are differentiated by their incomes and nothing else,and the average millionaire is only the average dishwasher dressed in a new suit.
Mostly, I have to say as an actor, to find a character that's been rich enough for 10 seasons of shows... that's very rare.
The shock caused by the September 11 events has also lead to a thorough reflection on the existing disparity between rich and poor countries, on the misery of populations of the South.
I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as rich as I've become. If I had, I'd have done it a lot earlier.
You are never, ever gonna get a drummer to dis another one. It's part of the drumming rules, as important as being able to keep pace or smashing up hotel rooms. Drummers do not dis!
When people get at each other's throat, the rich and the poor and the Left and the Right and so on, and you have a basic breakdown, that becomes very threatening.
I used to have about a hundred suits in my late twenties and early thirties when my stock was riding high and I was rich.
Often for hors d'oeuvres, I serve room temperature vegetables, something like that, so that the main course might be quite rich but the first course has balanced it out.
Their banter was rich and comfortable, their teasing intimate and profound; their 'I love you' without the use of those startling words.
The one thing about Billie is he will snap and rip your head off if you point anything out at all other than how beautiful he is and how nice he looks today.
While President Bush's tax give-aways for the rich are pushing us further into debt, he compensates by increasing the out-of-pocket costs to our veterans.
The Clinton administration cared a lot about the middle class and the poor. But it also cared a lot - too much, in retrospect - about the rich.
When the topic is growing income inequality, it's hard to prettify an imbalance between the rich and everybody else, so instead, conservatives try to argue that it doesn't exist.
Riches get their value from the mind of the possessor; they are blessings to those who know how to use them, and curses to those who do not.
My idea of rich is that you can buy every book you ever want without looking at the price and you're never around assholes. That's the two things to really fight for in life.
Rich or poor, every child comes into the world with some imperative need of its own, which shapes its individuality.
China has always maintained that all countries, big or small, rich or poor, strong or weak, are equal members of the international community and they should stand and speak in the world as such.
The mankind neither like at all listening weak words nor seeing weak men which is an unanimous maxim that human is the workhorse of the riches and the worshiper of the power.
How many emperors and how many princes have lived and died and no record of them remains, and they only sought to gain dominions and riches in order that their fame might be ever-lasting.
It's difficult working with very rich actors, because inevitably they become a little spoilt, and the managers and agents tend to control things more than is healthy.