It is the wretchedness of being rich that you have to live with rich people.
Asia is rich in people, rich in culture and rich in resources. It is also rich in trouble.
Rich people never know who their friends are.
If there is a rich man in the area three villages are ruined.
One thing I know about the rich, being rich, is that you can take money from me and tomorrow, I'm still going to be rich.
It is very expensive to give bad medical care to poor people in a rich country.
Reviewers said Ghost Country was rich, astonishing and affecting in the way it blended comedy, magic, and a gritty urban realism in a breathtaking ride along Chicago's mean streets.
Libertarians know that a free country has nothing to fear from anyone coming in or going out - while a welfare state is scared to death of poor people coming in and rich people getting out.
It isn't the rich people's fault that poor people are poor. Poor people who get an education and work hard in this country will stop being poor. That should be the goal for all poor people everywhere.
For a long time, rich countries have promised to reduce poverty but have failed to match their words with adequate action. Of course, some important progress has been made and millions of lives have been saved, but millions more could be saved.
When you turn on the news, it's the same old rich white people that have systematically ruined this country regurgitating the same tired, stale ideas. And they keep getting invited back.
If you give a gift to a rich man, the devil sniggers.
The foolish sayings of a rich man pass for wise ones.
The obscenities of this country are not girls like you. It is the poverty which is obscene, and the criminal irresponsibility of the leaders who make this poverty a deadening reality. The obscenities in this country are the places of the rich, the ne...
Along with every other male of his acquaintance he loathed the Naked Chef with messianic passion and prayed for the day he suffered a fatal accident on his scooter or burst into flames with the friction of sliding down that nauseating banister. Mark ...
With the greater part of rich people, the chief enjoyment of riches consists in the parade of riches.
The poor man and the rich man do not play together.
The rich man may wear old clothes.
The rich man makes mistakes and the poor men get the blame.
The rich man plans for tomorrow, the poor man for today.
The rich man has more relations than he knows about.