In times of tumult, voters are likely to forgive a president, if not reward him, for compromises made in service of solutions.
No time is more precious and well rewarded than those few moments you spend reading a story to a child
Always do good when you're tempted to do evil. The reward in doing good is priceless.
Nothing is more rewarding than to take a song, create it out of thin air and then watch it affect people.
I don't fool with a lot of things that I can't have fun with. There's not much reward in that.
Most TV shows don't reward you for paying attention.
So far, the thing I seem to have been rewarded for in film is leaving myself behind and transforming myself into other people.
When a child is bruised physically or emotionally, parents often reward him with a treat.
If programmers deserve to be rewarded for creating innovative programs, by the same token they deserve to be punished if they restrict the use of these programs.
The desire to be rewarded for one's creativity does not justify depriving the world in general of all or part of that creativity.
I didn't play the game right because I saw a reward at the end of the tunnel.
This has taught me that being pleasant is always so much more productive, for I know well the rewards for being good-natured.
Browsing our local farmer's market is one of my family's favorite weekend activities. Make it a relaxing, healthful habit for your family, and you'll reap the nutritional rewards.
We must learn to understand humanity better so that we can create an environment that is more beneficial to people, more rewarding, more pleasant to experience.
I do NOT think that PC gaming is over... it will always be the choice of the gaming enthusiast who is willing to put in the extra effort for a richer, more rewarding experience.
The rewards of freedom are always sweet, but its demands are stern, for at its heart is the paradox that the greatest enemy of freedom is freedom.
There is an abiding beauty which may be appreciated by those who will see things as they are and who will ask for no reward except to see.
A business is good if it gives a decent day's reward for a decent day's work, treats people decently, and gives them a voice at the top.
Writing a novel is an intense and lonely business, but you have the reward at the end of a very direct dialogue between you and the reader.
Adopting means opening your home, and heart, to a life you've never known. But there is nothing as richly rewarding as being an adoptive parent.
My work at R.E.I. was incredibly fulfilling and rewarding, especially the stewardship elements of it, the ability to connect young people to public lands close to home.