Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.
ConfessionsInstitutions or products of culture. But they formalize a set of norms.
Civilization: The Six Ways the West Beat the Rest...You know, one good apple can spoil the rest,” Colonel Korn concluded with conscious irony.
Catch-22Learn from yesterday, live for today, look to tomorrow, rest this afternoon.
Charlie Brown's Little Book of WisdomClosed in a room, my imagination becomes the universe, and the rest of the world is missing out.
Diotima, Battery, Electric PersonalityHook your audience with a tiny snag of truth, and the Holy Spirit will unravel the rest.
Eve of AwakeningI rested my head on the wall behind me and closed my eyes, wishing my life had a button: Ignore All.
Final Approach