How do I respond to criticism? Critically. I listen to all criticism critically.
I respond to a part just intuitively when I read a script.
Jealousy is like a cactus its respond and reaction is thorny
I think we respond well when we do something well.
People respond to gentle words than scolding
I say let's respond as best we can to the victims and their families.
We have a government that, generally speaking, does not respond to the people.
Life is ten percent what happens to you and ninety percent how you respond to it.
Even if you feel wronged, respond right.
Respond with love and kindness even to hurtful treatment.
Children have always responded to me because I have that cartoon-character look.
I don't know why, but I respond well to tortured characters.
Unfortunately, addicts don't respond to reason or rationality.
When media distorts the truth, it's only responding in kind.
I know how men think when they're not responding to questions in a clinical study.
It's not the situation, but whether we react negative or respond positive to the situation that is important.
It is not my methodology to engage too much with critics for many reasons: - I honestly believe that my ego is not worthy of my having to defend it. There are far more important things in the ummah than me having to respond to critics. - By and large...
Like everything in life, it is not what happens to you but how you respond to it that counts.
As a child, my father's architecture seemed to me to be industrial in a way. It seemed harsh and kind of chilly; I didn't respond to it.
Players respond to coaches who really have their best interests at heart.
If you sing honestly and sincerely to kids, they will respond with all their hearts.