That land is a community is the basic concept of ecology, but that land is to be loved and respected is an extension of ethics.
A woman's experience is different from a man's in virtually every respect, including how she is treated by the media.
I think Europeans have enough tradition and respect for the experience and body of work of an actress that they don't sell out to the new ones.
I came here because the city has a tradition and is a very respected food city.
I was brought up to think a lot about food and have respect for it, both as medicine and something to eat and enjoy.
Free software is software that respects your freedom and the social solidarity of your community. So it's free as in freedom.
Public service and respect for ideas is a recurrent theme in both the American and Australian sides of my family.
I have major respect for Kenny Chesney and Carrie Underwood and Sugarland. They are wonderful. They're superstars in the music business.
Greatness, in the last analysis, is largely bravery - courage in escaping from old ideas and old standards and respectable ways of doing things.
Another important aspect of our home was respect for ideas.
I have always striven to raise the voice of hope for a world where hate gives way to respect and oppression to liberation.
As to happiness in this life it is hardly compatible with that diminished respect which ever attends the relinquishing of labour.
If you think about the history of mobile handsets, in many respects there was a time when Asia and then Europe all led North America.
I like being in a collaborative and respectful environment. When you're in an environment spearheaded by ego and fear, it's the death of creativity.
I mean in the South African case, many of those who were part of death squads would have been respectable members of their white community, people who went to church on Sunday, every Sunday.
But I look at failure as education. In that respect, I am so well-educated.
I believe that God wants us to show respect.
The great thing about America, what I've loved about it, is how sports-friendly it is. In America, sports are respected and loved.
Don't forget your great guns, which are the most respectable arguments of the rights of kings.
Simple ingredients, treated with respect... put them together and you will always have a great dish.
I have a great deal of respect and admiration for people who put themselves on the line.