I have great respect for daytime drama. I love the branding. I love the style. What can I say? I love good soap!
We are not angry with people we fear or respect, as long as we fear or respect them; you cannot be afraid of a person and also at the same time angry with him.
One of the things I love about Africa is the amount of dignity and respect and humility you see all the time. You don't realise how often you're disrespected until you are surrounded by respect.
Self-respect, the value of 'face,' is universal but is most pronounced in China, then in Japan where the Confucian ethic is most influential.
We cannot expect people to have respect for law and order until we teach respect to those we have entrusted to enforce those laws.
Women want respect but are let down by those of them who don't respect themselves. Several men use this as an excuse to disrespect women. We are born with this as the norm and not a tragedy!
The wish to lead out one's lover must be a tribal feeling; the wish to be seen as loved is part of one's self-respect.
Patriotism ... is a superstition artificially created and maintained through a network of lies and falsehoods; a superstition that robs man of his self-respect and dignity, and increases his arrogance and conceit.
Generosity is to help a deserving person without his request, and if you help him after his request, then it is either out of self-respect or to avoid rebuke.
I definitely think that, for a woman, the biggest turn-on is the mind. Otherwise, obviously you want someone who keeps up with himself and has self-respect and self-confidence.
When you know that you can overcome challenges, you do gain that self-respect, and then you won't end up in a situation that you regret later on.
Never be ruled by possessions, and never, ever make wealth more important to you than your self-respect and your dignity." - Lady Taylor
Noah Cross: 'Course I'm respectable. I'm old. Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough.
Linus Larrabee: No self-respecting prime minister would offer kronen. Sabrina Fairchild: No self-respecting waitress would take dollars.
I respect the state workers and I respect their unions, but we simply can't afford to pay benefits and pensions that are out of line with economic reality.
A lot of my friends are gangsters. Not like gangsters - well, yeah, all sorts of levels of criminality - but not the types that are preying on innocent people. I have no interest in the type of criminality that has no respect for collateral damage.
I have a lot of respect for my fellow young actors. It takes a lot to push forward after being told no a million times, and that was what we all have to go through. So those who push deserve respect.
How can you not respect somebody like me? If you don't respect me, it's because you got hatin' all over you. If you don't like me, you don't like yourself.
Once you appreciate one of your blessings, one of your senses, your sense of hearing, then you begin to respect the sense of seeing and touching and tasting, you learn to respect all the senses.
I always try to stick to the script because I want to respect the writers, and I want to respect the director. But if the director and my fellow actors are okay with me playing with it a little bit, then I definitely want to play with it.
Sometimes you want things so bad you will kind of lower your standards, and I've learned that once you do that, it's really hard to go back, to get people to respect you and respect your craft.