China's development benefits other countries.
My Existence is To Praise God and Help Others!
Being of service to others is what brings true happiness.
As a lyricist, you love to hear other great lyrics or other great concepts.
We simply attempt to be fearful when others are greedy and to be greedy only when others are fearful.
the ego likes to emphasize the 'otherness' of others
If you don learn from others then others will learn from you.
To communicate with each other, we got to get mad at each other sometimes.
Self-improvement comes mainly from trying to help others.
If you like to be immortal, live for others and die for others.
There are times we are givers, but others time we have to let others give to us.
I like the idea of an eclectic approach, incorporating jazz with other forms and other genres of music.
Girls talk to each other like men talk to each other. But girls have an eye for detail.
Other's success is not your failure, but your success can be other's failure.
Clearly, as a CEO, you have other functions that are managed by other people.
Purpose is to touch the life and hearts of others without stepping on others!~
Women should take care of each other, not tear each other down.
The Christian is free from all other human beings. He does not have to live over against others, controlled by their actions and responses. Rather, he lives according to Christ's commands. This is Christian freedom. It is a freedom unknown by others....
I don’t need to write. Madness or suicide are other options, though not nearly as compelling. But I want to create; I hope to create worlds in my own image, admittedly a self-centered plan. I want others to understand me better, pay more attention ...
We're constantly getting these messages to mind our own business and look the other way if we want to be well liked, to not tell the truth or speak our mind or say anything too intense. Well, I'm telling you here that this approach not only makes you...
Do you know, I began to see what marriage is for. It’s to keep people away from each other. Sometimes I think that two people who love each other can be saved from madness only by the things that come between them—children, duties, visits, bores,...