I studied at a university in Florence and finished my degree. My mother was very strict about this recipe: You need to get your degree.
We have a plan that creates universal access programs at the state level which allows folks to access insurance if they're denied by their insurer.
I was an English major in college, and then I went to graduate school in English at the University of North Carolina for three years.
It's possible - you can never know - that the universe exists only for me. If so, it's sure going well for me, I must admit.
A unified theory would put us at the doorstep of a vast universe of things that we could finally explore with precision.
The most frightening interview I've ever done was with Dr. Lonnie Thompson of The Ohio State University on the subject of global warming.
He(Prophet Muhammad) laid the foundation of a universal government. His law was one for all. Equal justice and love for everyone.
For years I tried to put myself in a box, and it frustrated me, so I had to let go and let the universe take its course.
In the long run, much public opinion is made in the universities; ideas generated there filter down through the teaching profession and the students into the general public.
You have the chief spark of your health's fire, for you have true knowledge of the hand that guides the universe.
The practice of giving an A transports your relationships from the world of measurement into the universe of possibility... This A is not an expectation to live up to, but a possibility to live into.
As one of the country's largest land-grant universities, Ohio State must play a critical role in moving our country forward.
My mother never asked me whether I wanted to go to college, but told me I was going - to the University of Maryland on an academic scholarship.
Our memory is a more perfect world than the universe: it gives back life to those who no longer exist.
I met my wife, Margaret L. Mack, at the University of Chicago. We were married in 1936. She died in 1970.
Who is more in touch with the problems of this country? One of those guys who goes off to Oxford or to University of Yale, or someone who has lived in buses, in the Metro, in the street?
Everything in the Universe, throughout all its kingdoms, is conscious: i.e., endowed with a consciousness of its own kind and on its own plane of perception.
Not only did Jesus come as a universal gift, He came as an individual offering with a personal message to each one of us.
But what is more, if we have succeeded in adding to the basic understanding of our universe and ourselves, we will have made a contribution to the totality of human culture.
What I want is a way to put Universal monster toys back in the aisles alongside 'Star Wars' and all the other stuff and introduce today's kids to the classic monsters.
Imagination is the parallel universe of a writer. If he is not responding to you in this world, he is probably responding to someone in the imaginary world.