It was a Republican, President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who first protected the Arctic Refuge to balance the oil development at Prudhoe Bay with responsible conservation.
In choosing a president, we really don't choose a Republican or Democrat, a conservative or liberal. We choose a leader.
The Republicans have bought into the idea that people hate them because they're opposed to everything.
I have a mindset that says bipartisanship ought to consist of Democrats coming to the Republican point of view.
All of Obama's policies are working against economic growth, not for it, and Republicans ought to be talking about it and they're not. We need to take a stand.
In his tub-thumping speech at the 2008 Republican National Convention, Romney sounded like the hedge-fund tycoon he is.
My Republican colleagues say, Let's do the cuts first. The Democrats say, Let's do spending first. I'd like to do both simultaneously.
Republicans have to be relieved. Given all the bad news this White House has faced, at least the president's hemorrhaging has stopped.
If Republicans are going in the wrong direction, I am still willing to stand up against them.
And I think Governor Romney has a shot if the 'R' next to his name doesn't just stand for 'Republican,' it stands for 'reformer.'
I may not be the favourite candidate of some people within the Republican establishment, but the voters made a decision.
In the end, all Republicans want to make sure we don't increase taxes. That's where we differ with the Democrats.
In a republican nation, whose citizens are to be led by reason and persuasion and not by force, the art of reasoning becomes of first importance
While Republican voters have remained universally supportive of their President, Democrats and Independents are returning to a more naturally critical stance.
Part of the challenge of being a black Republican anywhere is that you start off with people walking in with chips on their shoulder trying to figure out what is wrong with you.
Republicans believed that their job was not governing but blocking any idea coming from President Obama and the Democrats, and wiping out Democrats in the 2012 election.
I feel the whole issue has been a witchhunt from day one as part of a broader Republican political agenda.
When Republicans used reconciliation in 2001 for the Bush tax cuts, they used it to increase the deficit. The whole purpose of reconciliation is for deficit reduction!
JFK used to say the bishops and the cardinals were all Republicans, but the nuns were Democrats! I sort of believe that too.
I am committed to ensure that our 2008 Republican presidential candidates forthrightly address issues of importance to the African-American community.
I think, I think we need a Republican president from the real world to remind ourselves sometimes of what we need to do.