What rights are there for homosexuals? The only right is to be led to repentance. To live in such defilement of the body, in such dishonour, in such abomination, while all the time asking for liberties the church cannot grant, is unbelievable.
A good marriage is good because one or both of them have learned to overlook the other's faults, to love the other as they are and to not attempt to change them or bring them to repentance.
If one good deed in all my life I did, I do repent it from my very soul.
You may lose paradise, but gain heaven when you rise up and repent. The success that comes after a temporal failure is an amazing spectacular!
It is easy to find religion; it is salvation most seek. After committing to a life of Christ, salvation is lost in those who stray and do not repent. Those who have not committed cannot stray.
No matter what kind of sin you have committed, there is always forgiveness. You must repent and seek forgiveness. You can walk in the new life and light.
I have really sinned. I am going to pause now, and sit here on the mound repenting in deepest shame...
I am ready. I have repented my sins and soon I will be in heaven with Christ my savior. Now I must die like a man.
Repentance is not merely turning away from your sin but turning to the Lamb who takes away your sin. "Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world". 1 John 1:29
Every child is innocent because it has not been tempted, but only when we have been tempted and have remained pure, or when we have fallen, repented and reformed, are we virtuous.
Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is the foundation upon which sincere and meaningful repentance must be built. If we truly seek to put away sin, we must first look to Him who is the Author of our salvation.
The Savior isn't our last chance; He is our only chance. Our only chance to overcome self-doubt and catch a vision of who we may become. Our only chance to repent and have our sins washed clean.
I'll shout it if they want: Down with isms! Up with a Left that is capable of thinking outside the box! In other words, I am more than completely cured of simplifications, of dividing the world into good and evil, of thinking in black and white. I ha...
We begin the process of being born again through exercising faith in Christ, repenting of our sins, and being baptized by immersion for the remission of sins by one having priesthood authority.
Make them imagine repentance more like an appearance in court before a cranky old judge, less like a child knocking on his father’s study door to have a chat.
One great help here - and I make no claim that it is the only help or even a necessary condition for forgiveness - is sincere repentance on the part of the wrongdoer. When I am wronged by another, a great part of the injury - over and above any physi...
True repentance isn't just saying, "I'm sorry". It's. saying "I'm sorry, I'll never, ever do that again because my relationship with you means more to me than anything".
Regrets won't change anything. Don't Reject yourself. Just Refrain from what you did badly; repent and move on.
Sentirse completamente solo en el mundo, abandonado de repente por todos, abatido por el peso de una vergüenza desconocida o de alguna condena silenciosa es algo más pavoroso y misterioso que la muerte.
No matter what kind of sin you have committed, there is always forgiveness. You must repent and seek for forgiveness. You can walk in the new life and light.
All spiritual leaders who live in luxury cannot enter God's Paradise in Heaven. Repent or Perish.