Foolishness is doing ignorantly something forbidden repeatedly by sages since ages, and Madness is doing the very same prohibited thing repeatedly but intentionally.
Most people take many undue advantages of others by forgiving to own nature repeatedly than many people take most undue advantages for own by other person’s forgiving nature to them repeatedly.
We become what we repeatedly do.
I myself have been in therapy. Repeatedly.
What we dream repeatedly, we become.
A moment is born repeatedly in the fields of uncertainty.
Life can only be as blissful or as miserable as we repeatedly interpret it to be.
Your life can only be as good as your repeatedly interpret it to be.
Your life can only be as beautiful as you repeatedly interpret it to be.
The Winkies: [singing repeatedly] O-Ee-Yah! Eoh-Ah!
Doing something wrong repeatedly does not make it right.
Chronically homeless means constantly homeless; it means repeatedly homeless.
I love the idea of someone getting knocked down repeatedly, but they still believe in love.
Bite us once, shame on the dog; bite us repeatedly, shame on us for allowing it.
I am called repeatedly and insidiously prime and sole minister.
I have also testified repeatedly and published some articles in favor of Small Science.
Marriage is distinctly and repeatedly excluded from heaven. Is this because it is thought likely to mar the general felicity?
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.
My doctors warned me repeatedly that if you don't stay positive, you don't do well.
In the history of science, ever since the famous trial of Galileo, it has repeatedly been claimed that scientific truth cannot be reconciled with the religious interpretation of the world. Although I an now convinced that scientific truth is unassail...
I've probably said that in every feature I've been in. I've been repeatedly defined as the girlfriend or wife.