I gave my heart to the Lord, and I remember the incident vividly. The Lord spoke to me. I know that sounds funny. It was not an audible voice or anything of that nature.
I remember the general anxiety of teenager, and I remember establishing some sort of appearance based on what my peers would think. And cliques, oh my God, the worst. The worst!
Perhaps the prevalence of pedantry may be largely accounted for by the common error of thinking that, because useful knowledge should be remembered, any kind of knowledge that is at all worth learning should be remembered too.
I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life.
I guess in Hollywood you chart your life by Oscars. You say to each other, 'Remember when that movie won that year? It was 2006. Remember that?'
I remember - when I was little, I remember playing 'Tecmo Bowl,' and I would be so excited to be Bo Jackson in the game that I wanted to watch him play in real life.
If I could do anything in my life and be remembered for anything, I would like to be remembered for helping the world see the value of physical engagement with ideas.
I learned a lot from my Mom. My favorite lesson: remember there is no such thing as a certain way to parent and to remember that you are learning along with your child - it's ok to make mistakes.
Why can we remember the tiniest detail that has happened to us, and not remember how many times we have told it to the same person.
Memory is often - perhaps usually - a distorting lens: what we think we remember isn't the way it was at all. It's what we'd like to remember.
I remember the people I knew in prison; I was very fortunate to know them - they came from 1910, 1920, 1930.
I remember vividly what it's like to read as a 10-year-old - that passionate inhabiting of a book.
I remember turning 'The Sopranos' on once and within two minutes nearly throwing a brick through the screen.
You remember some bedrooms you have slept in. There are bedrooms you like to remember and others you would like to forget.
I remember when people actually wore coats and ties to theatre every night. They don't anymore. It's very different.
Will they remember us, Aravan? Will Mankind remember us at all?" ... Mayhap, Gwylly, mayhap. Mayhap in their legends and their fables. Mayhap in naught but their dreams.
I remember thinking, in Kansas my name will be Evett - which is my middle name. I didn't want to explain to anyone how to say Em-a-yat-zee.
When I was a little girl, I remember carrying my orange UNICEF carton with me as I went Trick-or-Treating.
I've been bisexual for as long as I can remember. I remember being made fun of in junior high for that. It was something that was shameful, and it really shouldn't be.
If my career isn't going that well, I'd rather it flounder than desperately trying to show up on red carpets: 'I'm for hire! Remember me!'
I've been hit in the head so many times, it's hard to remember that far back. I don't remember specific games.