A society must create lots of sunshine for its miners as they need the sun most! And ‘to be remembered, to be respected’ is a good sunshine; ‘safety in the mine’ is a good sunshine!
At last, you will not be remembered for roaming the earth as a non-entity, but by every word, and every miracle, and every love, and every seed that ever came from the innermost part of your heart.
Make today the day you begin that awesome idea you have had for years. Now go, write this book, and remember that today is an important day in history.
Researchers have discovered that chocolate produces some of the same reactions in the brain as marijuana. The researchers also discovered other similarities between the two but can't remember what they are.
We have to remember that Dr. King was not an idle dreamer. Dr. King was a man of action. If Dr. King were here, he would challenge us and exhort us.
I auditioned for 'Jake in Progress,' and I was nervous because I had a big crush on John Stamos. I was totally thrown off and couldn't remember my lines.
I remember growing up, saying you’re an artist it sounds pretentious but now it’s one of the only dignified things that you can call yourself.
On that Sunday of the Masters I remember turning on ESPN to find people talking about me. I switched over to the Golf Channel and people were talking about me. It was hard to escape.
You can't even imagine how it felt to have a cassette that you could take with you with a microphone so you could put down an idea and not have to hum it a million times to remember what it was.
I vaguely remember we had an air-raid shelter in our yard. We lived in a semi-detached house with a small garden in the suburbs of Salford, a couple of miles from the docks.
All women are a reflection, a mirror of the Goddess. Remember… you are the Universe figuring itself out. So of course you are identical to the female aspect of divinity.
Christmas does not remind us that God was born over 2000 years ago. It is a time to remember that God was born in our Heart and Lives in our Heart, everyday!-RVM
I remember being unemployed and walking the East Village streets for many years, constantly checking my voice mail on pay phones, hoping for an audition.
I remembered a mantra that one of my teachers used to tell me at drama school, that every thought will pass across your face. Even if you're thinking about Shreddies the camera will read it.
Survival is an ancient dream Life is nothing but an everlasting illusion Nothing is Real Don’t believe in illusion, Remember me, I am here …
As far as I can remember, every dime I ever had went to something extravagant. I would rather spend more, buy fewer items and have them forever.
For psychological purposes the most important differences in conation are those in virtue of which the object is revealed as sensed or perceived or imaged or remembered or thought.
Grace is available for each of us every day - our spiritual daily bread - but we've got to remember to ask for it with a grateful heart and not worry about whether there will be enough for tomorrow.
I went in with Jack and Leslie, into this room that was lined with brick, and there on the side I can remember very clearly was this small model with plates for the bases - the original model with everything screwed together.
I never know why people come up to me. I think a lot of them just get super-excited because they recognize me from TV but they don't remember where.
The weather was turning cold and I remember that Dante was using nothing but natural light as his electric department was away, prepping the scene in the cave. We stayed on that rock for the whole day.