As far back as I can remember, these are the first movies, the Universal horror movies where I knew the title of the film and I also knew the names of the actors in those films.
I grew up in Toronto and as long as I can remember, as long as there was cable, even those old cable boxes that were wired to the TV, there have been Bollywood movies on Toronto TV.
I remember my first taste of American big movies was 'Ghost Rider.' I'm in two little scenes. But for those two little scenes they had 400 extras, upside-down stunt cars, and a fire brigade.
[entering Deep Core, Lindsey runs into Jammer] Lindsey Brigman: Whoa! I don't remember someone putting a wall here.
I remember, as a kid, I'd follow the rooster and the chickens and watch what type of grass they'd eat. And me and my friends would eat that grass, like that was our lunch.
I've only seen a handful of short clips of my U.S. Open win. I remember how I did it; I don't need to watch a video.
Clinton's attempt to socialize healthcare was the second most disgusting thing he did in the oval office. I can't remember was the first thing was.
Remember all ye that existence is pure joy; that all the sorrows are but as shadows; they pass & are done; but there is that which remains.
I normally feel relief that I didn't die onstage or forget all my lines. Then I start remembering that I have to do it again sometime, and it'll probably not go as well.
Back in college, I remember shooting stupid videos with my friends. It would be us going around town in capes pretending we were superheroes.
Long afterward, many would remember those two days in the first week of October with vividness and anguish.
Americans easily forget that the air they breathe is the same as those in Europe or Africa or Asia; it's the same air as Jesus breathed. I would like them to remember that connection.
You've probably missed out something really great but you haven't let that drive you insane but always remember to be yourself.
Just because we want makes ourself happy, it doesn't meant we must cheating to others . remember, "Feeling" .
As long as I can remember, growing up we had a guitar around our house, and I was always plucking on it.
You dream every night. Every person in the world, even if they don't remember, is dreaming every night.
We must remember, too, that the Russian population of the Caucasus are to a large extent Muslims, and the areas such as Georgia which have aspirations of their own.
Let us be of cheer, remembering that the misfortunes hardest to bear are those which never come.
And just remember, every dollar we spend on outsourcing is spent on U.S. goods or invested back in the U.S. market. That's accounting.
Just remember that those who feel profoundly depressed are those whose happiness is likewise intense. What's so wrong with that?
People usually will remember people most, for the stupid things they did, than the impressionable ones. This somehow strangely, makes them feel better.