Religious liberty should be a bipartisan issue.
I am a religious person and rely heavily on prayers.
For a truly religious man nothing is tragic.
I have a very deep religious belief.
I'm not a religious person at all.
Work is a substitute religious experience for many workaholics.
Responsibility and respect of others and their religious beliefs are also part of freedom.
Morals are built on religious faith. Virtue is built on morality and influences a culture.
I'm a very religious person.
I am certainly not a mainstream religious man.
I'm very interested in religion as something to study, but I'm not a religious person in the slightest.
When faced with a challenging or difficult situation, the best leaders most often respond with courage; less mature leaders, or nonleaders often choose another path-a path with less risk, less conflict, and less personal discomfort.
Believe in your ability to create the future. That's what leaders do-that is our job. Understand reality but never be imprisoned by it. Reality is a moment in time. The future has not yet been written-it is written by leaders.
When business leaders talk about the next quarter, they ought to sometimes be talking about the next quarter century.
The whole point of religious faith, its strength and chief glory, is that it does not depend on rational justification. The rest of us are expected to defend our prejudices. But ask a religious person to justify their faith and you infringe 'religiou...
At the heart of my argument is the view that religious faith, far from being inevitably on the side of the status quo, should on principle hold this world to higher standards.
There can be no religious discourse which is in conflict with its environment and with the world and therefore, we Muslims need to modify this religious discourse. And this has nothing to do with conviction and with religious beliefs, because those a...
If you haven’t found yourself yet, it’s difficult to help someone to discover himself. False leaders make more false leaders!
Leaders create a conducive environment for followers to accomplish their respective dreams. True leaders never fall for anything inferior!
A leader takes people where they would never go on their own.
Well, the first quality of being a good leader is you have to be able to follow. See, a good leader can't just be the leader all the time, I have to be able to follow.