If you are always taking the right actions that your goals demand, it would almost be impossible to ever experience a stagnant state of existence.
Never allow anyone to convince you into believing that your weren't brought into this life to experience a life of massive success and unconditional happiness.
When you start to focus on your daily positive experiences, you would surely come to realize that there is always something to be thankful for each day.
There is always something good about your day. Therefore, you must make it your daily responsibility to focus on your positive experiences.
Actors pull from their own experiences to bring reality to the characters. I wouldn't want to play someone who's a lot like me. There would be no turning it on or off.
I have worked with another first-time director who was not that open, and it was probably one of the worst experiences I ever had, so my antennas are really out.
in my experience, the words “now just calm down” almost inevitably have the opposite effect on the person you are speaking to.
Our live experiences, fixed in aphorisms, stiffen into cold epigrams. Our heart's blood, as we write it, turns to mere dull ink.
In studio films, everything has to be boxed in, everybody needs to know beforehand - this is comedy, this is sci-fi, this is drama - and what's the point of independent film if you don't get to experiment?
A thinker sees his own actions as experiments and questions--as attempts to find out something. Success and failure are for him answers above all.
Let us unite on the safe and sure ground of fact and experiment, and we can never err; yet better, we can never differ.
The Wanderer then leaves behind the spiritual seeker, with all the accumulated knowledge and lofty spiritual experience, and takes the first step on the Journey.
I have always loved to begin with the facts, to observe them, to walk in the light of experiment and demonstrate as much as possible, and to discuss the results.
Rather, for all objects and experiences, there is a quantity that has optimum value. Above that quantity, the variable becomes toxic. To fall below that value is to be deprived.
Is Wisdom derived from the accumulation of one's experiences, or rather one's thoughtful reflection upon what he has learned throughout the process?
Well, you know, writers just suck up new experiences - we're just like the vacuum cleaners of newness.
The hope is indeed that some will experience and believe: The purpose of a number of spiritual gurus is to demonstrate to God-fearing men faux spirituality.
I like to discover something new each day, to interpret the world in a way others might not, like a child might approach new experiences.
When my father passed away and then when later on I gave birth, those are sort of ground-breaking experiences that put everything else into perspective.
Ideologies, however appealing, cannot shape the whole structure of perceptions and conduct unless they are embedded in daily experiences that confirm them.
If I discover within myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.