The difference between a saint and a hypocrite is that one lies for his religion, the other by it.
Sex is the ersatz or substitute religion of the 20th Century.
When people ask me what my religion is, I say it's the Arsenal.
Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet.
For me sport was a religion... with religious sentiment.
It was part of your religion to hate the British.
To be born in India is to arrive into the world swimming in religion.
I am fascinated in religion and theology and what people believe.
Religion deals in certainties and philosophy deals more in un-answered questions.
I'm not sure about anything as far as religion and spirituality go.
Religion is not merely the opium of the masses, it's the cyanide.
The basic assumption of the secular society is that modernity overcomes religion.
Atheism is a religion itself complete with fanatics and bigots.
To become a popular religion, it is only necessary for a superstition to enslave a philosophy.
Such are the heights of wickedness to which men are driven by religion.
If you will trust your destiny it will be your religion.
Difference of religion breeds more quarrels than difference of politics.
Patriotism is a kind of religion; it is the egg from which wars are hatched.
Unfortunately, religion, like patriotism, is easy to misuse for political purposes.
A sect, incidentally, is a religion with no political power.
Men get drunk and boast, or they get religion and repent.