Every man sees in his relatives, and especially in his cousins, a series of grotesque caricatures of himself.
Business succeed when friends and relatives pays their bills promptly.
Subjectivity is strange to Science, while Relativity is an objective part of it.
That which is dark to one's eye, is relative to the level of purity within.
My family and relatives alone could fill Shanmukhananda Hall in Bombay.
All the currencies of Europe are relatives of the Dollar.
Art and order, the relatives that refuse to relate.
There's no such thing as an absolute openness. Openness is relative, I think, in all societies.
And living in Australia I am relatively well off.
Virtue is relative to the actions and ages of each of us in all that we do.
Insanity is relative. It depends on who has who locked in what cage.
The only way to set yourself free is to meet each new challenge relatively.
Arts without a spiritual relative is like frying buns with water.
I encounter one example after another of how relative truth is.
But I am just as appalled that my experience, knowledge, dedication and service relative to defending the United States against biological warfare has been turned against me in connection with the search for the anthrax killer.
Your knowledge of what is going on can only be superficial and relative.
I tend to believe that audiences are relatively well-balanced people.
I was relatively technically adept. I can edit and wire up a light.
Relatives cannot help you in the studios. You stand or fall by your own efforts.
It's easy to sit in relative luxury and peace and pontificate on the subject of the Third World debts.
Mental effort, I would argue, is relatively rare. Most of the time we coast.