If the constitutional process is not brought to a successful conclusion before the European elections, then the whole process might run out of steam.
The conscious process is reflected in the imagination; the unconscious process is expressed as karma, the generation of actions divorced from thinking and alienated from feeling.
My creative process is quite slow. I hear melodies in my head while I'm washing the dishes and I allow my subconscious to do the work.
Government technology processes are mind-boggling long and complicated. A procurement process alone is typically two years, and that doesn't account for the time required to actually build the product.
I've been through the process qualifying for the World Cup, which is an amazing, two-year process. It was an honor to represent the U.S. and to represent the city of Los Angeles and California.
Not having a specified launch plan and process is one of the biggest pitfalls in the technology market.
Choosing is a creative process, one through which we construct our environment, our lives, ourselves.
It doesn't matter what you do, as long as you're fulfilling that inner need, and for me the need is more the process than the finished product. My photographs are stories of the process.
Acting and the navy seem to balance each other out - I've not surrendered over to the complete process of the navy, nor have I surrendered to the ego-driven process of acting.
The process of creating is related to the process of dreaming although when you are writing you're doing it and when you're dreaming, it's doing you.
Any creative process is about being in a territory which isn't secure, isn't necessarily familiar, and isn't convenient in any sort of way. And that's the excitement of it.
There is an interdependence between those who have and those who have not. The process of giving exalts the poor and humbles the rich. In the process, both are sanctified.
The minute you start the process of deciding to make a film and you're communicating that vision to anyone, you're in the process of selling. If you don't understand that, you're not in show business. You're just not.
There are many benefits to this process of listening. The first is that good listeners are created as people feel listened to. Listening is a reciprocal process - we become more attentive to others if they have attended to us.
I'm saying that an editorial process that is preparing the material for publication counts as part of the inspiring process whereby God, in his sovereignty, gave every word.
Meditation is a lifelong process. Give it a try. As you get deeper and more disciplined into the process, you'll get deeper and more disciplined in your mind and life.
Just as TurboTax simplified much of the tax process, so has the colossally scary legal process been reduced to a kinder, gentler series of mouse clicks and 'Continue' buttons by LegalZoom, the online leader that has become so prominent in its market ...
A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.
I look at the artistic process as like experiencing the world, channeling it through your personality and sending it back out there. That's the process.
Love is not really a mystery. It is a process like anything else. A process that requires trust, effort, focus and commitment by two willing partners
I think there's a natural system in your own head about how much violence the scene warrants. It's not an intellectual process, it's an instinctive process.