The characters in the four-lettered word FACT consist of seventy-five percent ACT, so it is always sensible to see the character of a person solely by his ACT or deeds than his words.
People don’t treat a person actually wise by his capacity to give all suggestions good and nice, but by his capability to offer solutions to lies to make world better in the best interest of one and all.
A person can always live life of his own only if he is prepared to stand alone when there is none to support the things that he applauds, believes and cherishes in his soul.
The valid point or a valuable contribution of a deserving person has not been truly appreciated if he is respected equally with those people who only desire but don’t actually deserve to be applauded.
A person understands other’s language only in tune with his attitude with most people all the time, so it’s wise to act nice with individuals only in proportion with the truth cherished in their lives.
The quality of a person’s character can be known partly by the attitude of his ally who likes him TRULY and, probably full, by understanding who he likes REALLY as his buddy with his behavior.
A person who can look inside into his soul sees then with his vision one and all standing outside around in support to him that they are only as truthful and trustworthy to him as he to all others.
A person who has got truly his own hands in bagging the position where he stands in his career and society only gets the good friends in his life.
A person who is not getting job for long only needs the right opportunity to present himself through introduction ,but he who is in the same job for long requires the right and thorough introspection.
The very first as a cardinal rule for a person to build trust is to do must only that what is humanly just as that helps to wipe and wither away those parasitic people stuck to his life as dirt and dust.
If a person finds the negative people in his network, then he needs to mind or mend his own nature than others for his basic grounding decides only the level of acidic or toxic surrounding.
The quality of a person’s life is the sum total of the character, good or not so good, of the people whom he has inspired and motivated, directly and indirectly, with his living standard and lifestyle.
They say that some people come in our life as blessings and others as lessons, but to be specific and precise only simple and humble people with the utmost simplicity in their lives only come as blessings in a person's life.
Every penny that has always been earned with integrity by a person to lead life with a real simplicity has only perhaps helped to serve Almighty & protect and preserve humanity in the society.
Most people take many undue advantages of others by forgiving to own nature repeatedly than many people take most undue advantages for own by other person’s forgiving nature to them repeatedly.
Personal principals should be always nourished separate and kept different from the professional philosophy in a service life, for this cherished policy aids then as helping hands to sustainably meet both ends.
A person’s own opinion is the best companion of his life, but first search it on web to ensure that it is truly his own and not others thrown or well known in one or other words form.
When a person starts sincerely analysing, he soon starts actually realising that there are always less people worth for his trust, but the best would be if he could himself be worth for the trust.
It’s difficult to find a person who can accept the truth consistently and more when it is related to him only and that’s what keeps the difference between the real talk and the negative talk very marginal.
A person’s open mind is distinctly defined by his caring soul that can readily find the real image of the people’s character and its true kind through their words reflecting and echoing the voice of their heart.
They tell us that Suicide is the greatest piece of Cowardice... That Suicide is wrong; when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in this world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.