Regarding lack of vision or disabilities of the organ of sight, it has long been known among researchers that it is the effect of extreme cruelty in a past life.
I love being regarded as a sex symbol, but I can't take it too seriously.
I had come to regard the U.S. Senate's rejection of the League of Nations as a tragic mistake.
As regards personal relationships I cannot say that I had any particularly personal intercourse with anyone.
It would be ridiculous for me to say anything negative regarding blacks having an equal opportunity on TV.
Compassion automatically invites you to relate with people because you no longer regard people as a drain on your energy.
Nothing that we have authorized conflicts with any law regarding privacy or any provision of the constitution.
I regard myself as a beautiful musical instrument, and my role is to contribute that instrument to scripts worthy of it.
The use of COBOL cripples the mind; its teaching should, therefore, be regarded as a criminal offense.
So far as regards their moral character, the Finns have as little cause for reproach as any other people.
I am not generally regarded as a pleasant or socially minded fellow.
Some husbands regard it as their prerogative to compel their wives to fit their standards of what they think to be the ideal.
The incompetence regarding body and vehicle armor rises almost to a level of criminal negligence.
Acting is usually regarded as a wholly narcissistic pursuit but there really is a hunger in me to unravel the human condition.
Quand le doigt montre le ciel, l’imbécile regarde le doigt. [When a finger is pointing up to the sky, only a fool looks at the finger.]
I remember becoming aware of women's issues and inequality. It became glaringly clear to me when I was living in America that women are regarded as less intelligent than men.
The Left regards the Constitution as defective and outmoded - in part because it impedes the government's ability to control institutions, like churches and families, which stand between the state and individuals.
We can only move to a long-term resolution regarding terrorism and war by planting seeds of peace. We have to start with ourselves.
To regard the imagination as metaphysics is to think of it as part of life, and to think of it as part of life is to realize the extent of artifice. We live in the mind.
Marry for Love, an Heroick Action, which makes a mighty noise in the World, partly because of its rarity, and partly in regard of its extravagancy.
It is not possible, given any degree of optimism and generosity in regard to people in general, to set a time limit on creative reflection or a limitation on the number of people involved in the creation.