Reform, that we may preserve.
Reform is China's second revolution.
King Abdullah is a reformer.
My parents are definitely reformed hippies.
As for when to reform the yuan, there is no timetable yet.
The character of Jesus is the character of God. God would never do something Jesus would find morally reprehensible, so if you can’t find it in Jesus, then you really ought to think twice before you claim you’ve found it in God.
Far from being a treatise meant to justify God’s righteousness in unconditional election, Romans 9–11 is a treatise about the incomprehensible mercy and scandalous faithfulness of God towards his creatures, through the crucified and resurrected J...
Reform is not a period of retreat.
Self-reform is the only kind that works.
Reform is 'the biggest dividend' for China.
I wouldn't mind seeing The Smiths reform. That would be cool.
Reform is not a one-night stand.
The compassionate actions of a Buddha are essential to reforming and revitalizing society.
The Democratic Party is not the party of reform.
We reform others unconsciously when we walk uprightly.
There is a great reform required in the education and habits of females.
Reformation, like education, is a journey, not a destination.
Religion can never reform mankind because religion is slavery.
…the traditional family structure that More supported in her writings enabled women to 'be intelligent, rational, virtuous, and noble creatures, capable of great intellectual and moral achievements. They had the potential for immense influence on t...
Henric a fost un individ complex, impulsiv si schimbator, care se pricepea sa ii deruteze pe cei din jur atunci cand incercau sa afle motivele pentru care facea un lucru sau altul. In plus, este greu de crezut ca el insusi era suficient de lucid pent...
The process of reforming the mental health system never includes the complaints that families and caregivers have regarding a need for increased access to resources, treatment, education, and financial support. Reform has continued to ignore the basi...