The important thing about outsourcing or global sourcing is that it becomes a very powerful tool to leverage talent, improve productivity and reduce work cycles.
...that icy glass reduces your beauty - dims your fire - let me be your mirror...
If you are a great news organization, you can't have the best obtainable version of the truth if your vision and your scale is reduced to a fraction of its former self.
Plan Colombia was supposed to reduce Colombia's cultivation and distribution of drugs by 50 percent, but 6 years and $4.7 billion later, the drug control results are meager at best.
History's greatest composers would be appalled to hear their greatest works reduced to distorted hold music for businesses.
I'm constantly working on these edges of photography, either to employ so much information or reduce information to the point of collapse.
Universality has been severely reduced: it is virtually dead as a concept in most areas of public policy.
The problem with the Australian practice of abortion is that an objectively grave matter has been reduced to a question of the mother's convenience.
I don't like being forced to reduce my thoughts to sound bites.
Prenatal care is one of the most effective ways to reduce maternal mortality because it identifies complications or high risks before emergency situations.
Delays in granting of justice very often reduce the speed with which investment could be undertaken, discouraging investors.
The politicians are all useless individuals. Nobody is reducing the problems in the U.S. or Europe, just putting on a Band-Aid and postponing the problems endlessly.
We pay some price when necessary to bring down inflation but that price is temporary and is not large relative to the permanent gain from reduced inflation.
The grand irony, however, is that Southern segregation was not brought to an end, nor redneck violence dramatically reduced, by violence.
Gates is the ultimate programming machine. He believes everything can be defined, examined, reduced to essentials, and rearranged into a logical sequence that will achieve a particular goal.
My family has reduced the effect of my career on my self-esteem. When I'm with them, they make me feel special regardless of how I play.
From cutting back on state contracts to reducing the number of state cars, We're making state government smaller, smarter, more efficient, and more accountable.
Our goal is to make Maine the healthiest state in the nation and reduce our overall health care costs.
Contraceptives have a proven track record of enhancing the health of women and children, preventing unintended pregnancy, and reducing the need for abortion.
The International Health Partnership Plus is addressing the need to harmonize development assistance and reduce the current waste, duplication, and high transaction costs.
My earnest hope is that what we started in terms of building partnerships with communities across America will continue, that we will continue our efforts to reduce crime and violence.