For a bad night, a mattress of wine.
Water for oxen, wine for kings.
What appears most disquieting to me in isolation is the dilemma of how to use time. There is either too much or too little of it; we either live inside painfully contracting horizons, or feel ourselves isolated in the vastness of space. I seem to hav...
Jonathan Mardukas: What's the name of this establishment? Red Wood: Red's Corner Bar. Jonathan Mardukas: Are you Red? Red Wood: Yes. Jonathan Mardukas: Do you dye your hair? Red Wood: No. [pause] Jonathan Mardukas: Why do they call you Red? Red Wood:...
Extol the virtue of water, but drink wine.
Where there is no wine, we need medicine.
Wine tops the list of all medicines.
Wine is water adulterated by foolish talk.
Every cask smells of the wine it contains.
Wine that isn't paid for is drunk twice.
Studying wine taught me that there was a very big difference between soil and dirt: dirt is to soul what zombies are to humans. Soil is full of life, while dirt is devoid of it.
Generally speaking, when Australian winemakers try to make delicate, European-styled wines of finesse and lightness, the wines often come across as pale imitations of the originals. One exception is Australian Riesling, delicious, dry wines meant to ...
With wine ideas flow, without ideas wine flows.
A sweetheart is a bottle of wine, a wife is a wine bottle.
Those old hypocrites. They talk about killing witches but the Good Book’s full of magic. Turning the Nile to blood and parting the Red Sea. What’s that if it’s not good old-fashioned magic? Want a little water into wine? No trouble! How about r...
Or you can broil the meat, fry the onions, stew the garlic in the red wine...and ask me to supper. I'll not care, really, even if your nose is a little shiny, so long as you are self-possessed and sure that wolf or no wolf, your mind is your own and ...
She was going to go home after this and sip red wine and stare at the wall, I could tell. She would wonder why she was doing this, struggling against commercial interests at a corporate hospital when all she wanted to do was help people, and in the m...
I wonder if you know yet that you’ll leave me. That you are a child playing with matches and I have a paper body. You will meet a girl with a softer voice and stronger arms and she will not have violent secrets or an affection for red wine or eyes ...
Where the hostess is beautiful the wine is tasty.
Where wine appears the doctor disappears.
Wine makes secrets float to the surface.