Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: It's never necessary to tell me that you think I'm right. We'll just... assume it.
Capt. James 'Bugger' Staros: I've lived with these men, sir, for two and a half years and I will not order them all to their deaths.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: [voice over] Shut up in a tomb. Can't lift the lid. Playing a role I never concieved.
Colonel Gordon Tall: Look at this jungle. Look at those vines, the way they twine around, swallowing everything. Nature's cruel, Staros.
First Sgt. Edward Welsh: There's not some other world out there where everything's gonna be okay. There's just this one, just this rock.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: The only time you should start worrying about a soldier is when they stop bitchin'.
Japanese soldier: We know you out there, Yank! Sergeant Keck: Tojo eats shit! Japanese soldier: No, Roosevelt eats-a shit!
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: You're Greek, aren't you, Captain? Did you ever read Homer? We read Homer at the Point. In Greek.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: You feel like a son to me, John. You know what my son does? He's a bait salesman.
[last lines] Private Edward P. Train: [voice over] Where is it that we were together? Who were you that I lived with? The brother. The friend. Darkness, light. Strife and love. Are they the workings of one mind? The features of the same face? Oh, my ...
Red: Ever bother you? Andy Dufresne: I don't run the scams Red, I just process the profits. Fine line, maybe, but I also built that library and used it to help a dozen guys get their high school diploma. Why do you think the warden lets me do all tha...
All Welsh knew was that he was scared shitless, and at the same time was afflicted with a choking gorge of anger that any social coercion existed in the world which could force him to be here.
[last lines] Captain Ramius: "... and the sea will grant each man new hope, as sleep brings dreams of home." Christopher Columbus. Jack Ryan: Welcome to the New World, Captain.
[last lines] Sally Gerber: You know you did everything you could. Don't you? Chief Red Garnett: I don't know nothin'. [pause] Chief Red Garnett: Not one damn thing.
Norma Desmond: [Norma thinks Joe is a funeral director] I'd like the coffin to be white, and I want it specially lined with satin. White... or pink. Maybe red! Bright flaming red! Let's make it gay!
Pvt. Jack Bell: Love. Where does it come from? Who lit this flame in us? No war can put it out, conquer it. I was a prisoner. You set me free.
Capt. James 'Bugger' Staros: You are my sons, my dear sons. You live inside me now. I'll carry you wherever I go.
Sergeant Storm: I look at that boy dyin', I don't feel nothin'. I don't care about nothin' anymore. First Sgt. Edward Welsh: Sounds like bliss.
Lt. Col. Gordon Tall: Come on, men, let's go! You're gonna see plenty more of these where we're goin'! Are we going up this hill or aren't we?
I'm useless at staring at a piece of white paper. But if you put a piece of white paper with a black line on it in front of me, I'll say no that black line should be red and it should go this way or that way.
[repeated line] Various: You've got red on you.