Wisdom ain't a virtue I ever aspired to.
It takes strength and courage to admit the truth.
It's not dystopia to think history will repeat itself.
People don't associate red hair, pale skin, and freckles with beauty.
Someone I would love to do a beautiful and glamorous red carpet moment is Lady Gaga.
All I need is my Chanel dress, my Louboutins, and some red lipstick.
Captain Ramius: Let them sing.
Can you imagine those poor bastards grappling their prey, leaping over the rails, swords in hand, screaming 'Your cats! Give us all your god-damned cats!
Know something? I'd lay even odds that between the people following us and the people hunting us, we've become this city's principle means of employment. Tal Verrar's entire economy is now based on .
Oh, most unhappy man,' he cried, 'try to be happy! You have red hair like your sister.' My red hair, like red flames, shall burn up the world,' said Gregory.
If you are hunting for a red deer then ignore the hares.
Better a red face than a black heart.
It was raining when Amarelle Parathis went out just after sunset to find a drink, and there was strange magic in the rain. It came down in pale lavenders and coppers and reds, soft lines like liquid dusk that turned luminescent mist on the warm pavem...
My captivity with Dimitri. The way his mouth—so, so warm, despite his cold skin—had kissed mine. The feel of his fangs pressing into my neck and the sweet bliss that followed... He looked exactly the same too, with that chalky white pallor and re...
As a revolutionary people, we Americans won a probable victory over the best and biggest army in the world because we learned to fight from the Indians. You can do a lot of damage with a Kentucky rifle from behind a tree. You don't put on a peaked ha...
One of the most striking results of modern investigation has been the way in which several different and quite independent lines of evidence indicate that a very great event occurred about two thousand million years ago. The radio-active evidence for...
I don’t exist metal pressed to pages spilling blood, ink in vein each thought rages Sunlight shooting through a forest of pines black top winding and yellow dotted lines I am not here only a deep aching, a lightning flash and a tree trunk breaking ...
...companionship refused is worse than loneliness.
Men die in battle; women die in childbirth.
Their Silver war is being paid for in Red blood.
Bursts of hope make despair harder to live with.