Fife... simply walked off by himself, into the jungle to look at all the things which would continue to exist after he had ceased to. There were a lot of them. Fife looked at them all. They remained singularly unchanged by his scrutiny.
A wise man thus seeks not a straight path, but one that is the shortest or most convenient. The idea is to reach your goal comfortably and quickly rather than wasting your time in finding ‘Which is the straightest path?
We praise our leaders when they act against our adversaries. But when our own interest is threatened, we begin to dislike the same leaders, irrespective of the sincerity of their intentions. An effective leader is bound to create enemies.
The ragged curtains were reaching out across the room and the foot of the bed was soaked with rain. She got up and closed the window to protect her from the storm outside. However, there was no protection from the storm that was always brewing in her...
In the middle of 'Bleed Red' coming out, a huge disproportionate majority of people in radio came to us and asked if they could have 'Cost of Livin' as a single. There was even talk behind closed doors about pulling 'Bleed Red' because they had caugh...
Every now and again I just really have to have that steak or lamb chop. But yeah, B.C. - before cancer - I would eat red meat probably three or four times a week, easily. I am convinced that the amount of red meat I contributed to it.
And whenever I'm in a situation where I'm wearing the same as 600 other people and doing the same thing as 600 other people, looking back, I always found ways to make myself different, whether it be having a red lining inside of my jacket, having red...
Jeffrey Pelt: You slammed the door on the General pretty hard, didn't you? Jack Ryan: That was not my intention. Jeffrey Pelt: Oh, yes, it was! He was patronizing you, and you stomped on him! And in my opinion, he deserved it!
Seaman Jones: COB, we don't have time for sea stories. I was just teaching Seaman Beaumont, here, the intracacies of modern sonar, now... Watson: [chuckling] Yea, and I ain't Chief Of the Boat, I'm actually Sheena, queen of the jungle!
Captain Ramius: Steer right until this reads three one five. Capt. Bart Mancuso: [to Ryan] No, that's wrong! Don't turn that goddamn wheel! Captain Ramius: [Ryan looks back over at him] Three one five.
Admiral James Greer: [after the meeting where Jack Ryan has just explained - quite boldly - his theory that Capt. Raimus is defecting] I told you to speak your mind Jack, but Jesus [laughing a little] Admiral James Greer: ...!
Capt. Bart Mancuso: Mr. Ryan... Jack Ryan: He's defecting. Capt. Bart Mancuso: And he can't change his mind? Jack Ryan: He's not going to change his mind. Capt. Bart Mancuso: Are you willing to bet your life on that?
Private Jack Bell: My dear wife, you get something twisted out of your insides by all this blood, filth, and noise. I want to stay changeless for you. I want to come back to you the man I was before.
Eddie Valiant: Nobody's gonna drive this lousy freeway when they can take the Red Car for a nickel. Judge Doom: Oh, they'll drive. They'll have to. You see, I bought the Red Car so I could dismantle it.
Just then Jagger walks in, his hair all ruffled and his body hard and firm. We all stop talking and stare as he runs his hands through his hair in an attempt to straighten it up. “Take a picture ladies, it lasts longer.” he mutters
There's a traditional Kenyan prayer: "From the cowardice that dares not deal with new truth, from the laziness that is content with half-truth, from the arrogance that thinks it knows all truth, Good Lord, deliver me.
Who cares for Algebra? Who delights in solving math? I only want to live my life Along the creative path.
Except that today, oblivious to everyone, there is a hair standing tall inside his shorts: a single hair: long, black and shining. Sprouting out of nowhere, it stands rebelliously erect on his tiny barren orb, not thwarted by the force of the cloth o...
Her golden hair moved like a hundred moths, all trying to saturate themselves in sunlight, while his hair was spiked like cleats, and he wore a shoe for a hat. He said it helped him to headstands while looking up her dress.
Anna," he said, dragging his frosted fingers through my hair."Don't you know what it means when a boy pulls your hair at your birthday party?" "No." Just, then, i didn't know what anything meant.
Admiring and a little overwhelmed by the simple opulence of the limousine’s interior, she shook snowflakes from her scarf and tresses, hoping the rare effort she had put into doing her hair was not entirely ruined. Nope. Thinking about the hair. To...