Well, we didn't have our original drummer on our last record. And most of that album was not played as a band in the studio. It was mostly the world of computers and overdubs. There was very few things played live or worked out as a band.
Recording an album and doing it live are like two different animals. There are some people that are great singers live, horrible in the studio.
I started young. My first record came out when I was - what? 18? So I was in the studio when I was 15, 16.
I've built an 8-track studio in my house that's virtually identical to what they used at Abbey Road, and I also own the 16-track set-up that Led Zeppelin used to record 'Houses of the Holy.' I'm interested in producing, but I'm mostly recording my ow...
A lot of people think that I grew up in recording studios and knew the whole process, but that was never the case.
I'll probably have to open a recording studio at some point because I won't be able to pay the bills.
As opposed to touring for three years and then going into the studio and writing an album, I think this record is representative of a lot of everyday people.
I'm still shocked when people say, 'You haven't done a studio record in 20 years.' I try to make excuses for it, but the truth is I just wasn't with it.
Due to my work as a musician, songwriter, recording artist and author, hundreds of people stream in and out of my basement studio to help me with my creative projects.
When I think of the future, I think a lot of Quincy Jones and how he is an inspiration. Look at the quality of his work over so many years. He didn't even make his best record, 'Thriller,' until he was 50. That gives me something to look forward to. ...
I don't like recording studios - except my own, which is just a little room above the garage.
I have ambitions to do a Broadway record one of these days and get in the studio with like, a real orchestra. I'm a big musical theatre geek.
Eventually, when I sell enough units, as they say in the record business, I will stop touring. I'll concentrate on what I like to do... stay in the studio.
We've never performed the song live outside of recording it in the studio. That was a dream come true because Whitney, she's an icon and she's been one of my main mentors in this business.
I always feel like there's something magic in recording studios. There's a reason good music continues to be made in them. It's just some mojo element.
I've not really spent much time in proper studios. The room itself where you're recording, and how you live while you're there is what appeals to me.
If we were truly in the studio making a record, it would have been more time consuming, and certainly I would have been more involved in the writing process.
The 'Aladdin' thing - that's not work; that's just fun. Three days in the recording studio going mad, then the animators do all the work. Not a bad way to cash a large check, my friend.
I've been in a recording studio enough times to know that it is not the best place to multitask. Doing a couple of takes of a song and running out to check your email to talk to someone about video production really is not good.
I thought that some of my best records was when there wasn't a lot of work being done on it, like 'Winter in America' and 'Secrets' and when there weren't a whole lot of people in the studios.
It was rehearsing in the studio, at which point they were setting up the sound, and once we'd got the thing together they'd actually record it, without us knowing sometimes!