Becoming a producer enables you to empower yourself, to make the film that you want to make. I have desires to make movies - I have movies I'm developing, and things that I'm interested in.
I know if I wasn't making music and acting, I would be involved in the performing arts world in some way. I would be either writing and making music for other artists or producing movies.
He's my favorite! He wrote and produced, and starred in and cast all of his movies! Can you imagine? I get really excited when I talk about Charlie Chaplin.
The reason I took Early Edition - besides the fact that I liked it - was that it enabled me to start a production company in New York City. It's a low-budget film company to produce and direct movies.
I want to get into producing and writing more for myself - setting up my own films and seeing what kind of personal touch I can put on movies, as opposed to just being in them.
[on theatrical producers] Claudia Caswell: Why do they always look like unhappy rabbits?
Mind is absolutely competent to harvest anything, it is up to us what we wish to produce!! Illusion, Ignorance or Awareness.
In general, investors prefer companies to reward executives for producing recurring income, not one-time gains.
Investors have been too willing to buy stocks with strong reported earnings, even if they do not understand how the earnings are produced.
In speaking, for convenience, of devices and expedients, I did not intend to imply that Shakespeare always deliberately aimed at the effects which he produced.
I am lucky, that is all. Lucky because there are a lot of people - producers, directors, people who buy tickets - who put confidence in me.
A distinguished producer called Kenith Trodd actually lived in his office for over a year - the cleaners refused to go in because it was such a tip.
Obviously the shift to gas and the need for large amounts of gas in the United States is going to be a major focus of attention on the part of producers.
We have no rational evidence that there exits another world, but we have a clear feeling that man does not exist only to produce and to consume.
Positive emotions, such as the feelings of love, kindness, self-worth, confidence and optimism, produce a better person and a good destiny.
This field is not necessarily glamorous, nor does it often produce immediate results, but it seeks to increase our basic understanding of living processes.
The existing documentary makers still believe that it is impossible to produce drama material in this State, otherwise they would be doing it, they say.
Look at it this way: if you write the novel of 'Cold Mountain,' it costs exactly the same to produce and market as a novel set in a room. If you make the film, the disparity of costs is huge.
It is easier to seize wealth than to produce it, and as long as the State makes the seizure of wealth a matter of legalized privilege, so long will the squabble for that privilege go on.
You can be creative and not addictive, or addictive and not creative. Most addicted people do not produce anything of remarkable note.
If you want to know your true opinion of someone, watch the effect produced in you by the first sight of a letter from him.