The IQ and the life expectancy of the average American recently passed each other in opposite directions.
When I say I hate nostalgia, I hate things set in the recent past where everything is shiny and new.
Tough guy Spike was always the funnest, but I'm most proud of the more recent stuff, the last season, I think.
It was said of me recently that I suffered from an Obsessional Privacy. I can only suppose it must be true.
I was with some Vietnamese recently, and some of them were smoking two cigarettes at the same time. That's the kind of customers we need!
David Laughlin: Have you recently had a close encounter?
People have contemplated the origin and evolution of the universe since before the time of Aristotle. Very recently, the era of speculation has given way to a time of science.
I recently turned down a film that I didn't want my kids to see. Priorities shift. Sometimes I'm sad about that, but not enough to do anything about it.
I argued that the Bush administration, and the Coalition officials more recently, didn't understand Iraqi society. They thought it was a blank slate, that they could use Iraqis as guinea pigs.
The recent fascination, I think, reflects the shift in approach by law enforcement officials to embrace technology as wholeheartedly as the rest of the world.
I have been recently diagnosed with Sjogren's Syndrome, an autoimmune disease which is an ongoing medical condition that affects my energy level and causes fatigue and joint pain.
I recently took up ice sculpting. Last night I made an ice cube. This morning I made 12, I was prolific.
I was seeing this girl recently and used to call her up saying I missed her. I can't help it after a few drinks!
Now, a recent study from cardiologists at the University of Maryland, has shown that laughter may have a beneficial effect on the heart.
In most recent times, as the West started being hostile to us, we deliberately declared a Look East policy.
It's a fairly recent thing but I've become very fond of making drinks myself.
Posttraumatic stress is something that's always existed. I think that the earliest recording was during the Trojan War, but it's only recently that we're beginning to be aware of it.
Did you recently turn into a jerk or have you been one since birth?
Nobody until very recently would have thought that their husband was supposed to be their best friend, confidante, intellectual soul mate, co-parent, inspiration.
I have been working up until recently with Neil Simon, who has been adapting the character to me.
Corporate corruption has ecological merits. It's helping to preserve that species known as Democrats - thought to be endangered as recently as the year 2000.