Because if I don't know my lines, I really don't know what I'm doing.
Strangely, some songs you really don't want to write.
Originally they wanted me to be Buster but I really like the Tobias part.
Nobody really invents anything that hasn't been done before.
All I really wanted was to be a full-time disc jockey.
If I wasn't a comic or TV star, I really wanted to be a photojournalist.
I don't really feel part of any particular movement.
In England, I've never really had a problem with racism.
I haven't really ever had to audition for anything.
IMF is really designed to protect creditors not debtors.
No one really wants to send their kids off to die for oil.
The talent that I was blessed with was really for the theater.
Then I did The Tao of Steve and that was at Sundance in 2000 where it did really well.
I'm a blessing to whoever gets to really know me.
If you want to be really beautiful, adorn yourself with a smile.
You can touch the moon if you really want to do it.
I like to feel that something's alive in acting, like something's really going on.
And Silence of the Lambs is a really smart book.
If you've got to get fired, it's really fabulous to get fired with a friend.
I'd bowled a lot, but I never really had proper lessons.
I decided that what I really wanted to do was go off and paint.