I like working with the public, and I like that it's really hard work.
I really wanted to work hard on my lyrics.
I have a really powerful urge to see things work.
I'm not in the loop; I don't know any actors, really, just the ones I work with.
But no work from a first rate mind is ever really second rate.
I really like to talk about my work in a way that is complicated.
I really work. I like feeling that I've nailed it, and we've got the picture.
Almost nothing is presented to you on a silver platter. You have to really work for it.
The work that's interesting to me in other people is really confessional.
The work is flowing from an inner knowing of how things really are.
A lot of my work is with children and there's a reason for that, because they really level you.
I really want to work with Hugh Jackman and also Steven Spielberg.
I would rather work less and do the things that I really want to do.
I was really interested in geishas' work, and wanted to meet real geishas.
In their 30s women really start to live... they're not children anymore, and they're not just mothers.
Women who have strong identities, who know themselves, really inspire me.
I don't really care for, like, fat jokes about women, specifically.
For a life where diamonds really are forever
To see things as they really were--what an empoverishment!
And this wasn’t lying, not really. It was leaving out.
Because we don't really sparkle.