Spy plots are hard, really hard.
People don't believe this, but Hollywood really is a meritocracy.
As a young kid, I really wanted to be rich.
I don't really think of myself as a folk singer.
When I read Copland, I really wanted Stallone's part.
I'm a person who really doesn't dwell on the past.
Because in Australia there really isn't a lot to do. There aren't a lot of opportunities.
I don't like cheap shots, I really don't.
You know, people really don't understand what actors do.
Never, ever, have I felt really accepted in Hollywood.
Big emotions that are unexplained are really scary. At least to me.
I really like visiting military bases.
I don't go to a gym. I find that really hard to do.
I'm not really a Democrat or a Republican, but I don't like rhetoric.
As a young musician, you really want to play.
I never really went to any concerts that I wasn't in.
I really haven't strayed too far, musically, from my roots.
To do a sequel is so weird, you don't really think about it.
I really can't imagine not singing again.
Honestly, I feel really grateful for everything.
I'd like to date, but I'm not really in a position to meet girls.