People aren't interested in seeing themselves as they really are.
I never really got to know Jimi as a person.
I remember as a kid being really scared of the Smurfs.
Nobody really knows, but I got a little comedy in me.
I've always stayed really close with my mother and my father.
Part of me wanted something bloody and really fun.
If I'm not doing anything, I get really antsy and bored.
Actually I dance really well on the floor.
Tomorrow: An illusion of time that really doesn't exist
I don't really know how to do casual clothes.
You know, I'm really not that competent at describing things musically.
You really can't turn on TLC without seeing us.
We've had no problems with the actors, but we keep a really loose set.
I am really blessed and very grateful for it.
I don't know how I do it, I really don't.
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I really believe that.
I don't really read books. Wish I did.
What is done is done for the love of it- or not really done at all.
Under adrenalin, at the end of the race, we can say things that we really don't think.
I was really nervous. Even when I left the audition I was nervous.
It's nice to see that people in Middle America are really affected.